Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where can in find?

I've worked in a few places since I've graduated, but I'm noticing a strange trend with my most recent place of employment....

Everyone asks ME for directions.

I truly do not understand this trend. I work at this little independent that's in the middle of a strip mall. Were not easy to find or get to, and yet, we have strangers coming in all the time to ask for directions. A couple months ago the Pharmacy Inspector called because he COULDN'T find us, yet every person who isn't looking for us seems to find us, just in time to ask for directions (and not buy anything). I'm starting to wonder if we come up on Google Maps for everything except what we are.

Yesterday was Visions Electronics, and the Sears Outlet... And the Sears lady didn't agree with my directions (why did you ask?). The day before that, it was the Tourist Info booth... When the rodeo was in town, every 3rd person who came into the store asked me where the rodeo grounds were. I was tempted to print out maps to give away.

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you went to school for a lifetime to give directions :)
