Tuesday, September 1, 2009

As a Student...

So I have the pleasure of being a preceptor for a 4th year pharmacy student this year. It is my first time doing this and so far its great. I have my own personal slave. Haha! Anyway, it made me think back to when I was in her position- a 4th year student, paying tuition to work my sorry butt off (don't miss that!).

I spend the summer after 3rd year pharmacy working in a Big Box Grocery Store Pharmacy (BBGSP) where rewards miles were all that mattered to my clients. Picture me counselling someone on what to do if in case of anaphylactic shock and the client is like "sure, whatever, did you get my rewards miles? its 10X today you know...". Back on topic, sorry. At BBGSP I worked with a pharmacist (Pharmacist L) regularly that suffered from a rare arrhythmia condition. It was mostly under control, but I had been instructed that if Pharmacist L should ever pass out or collapse, I was to call 911 so the ambulance could come and shock her heart back into normal rhythm, or something. Thank goodness it never happened on my watch...

So I start my 4th pharmacy rotation out in a little mountain town at a little Banner independent. The pharmacist (Pharmacist P) there is super laid back and puts me to work pretty quick. Things are going great until about a week in. So Pharmacist P sits down one day and asks me to tell him all about women's health. I start in yapping away about the latest study on hormones when Pharmacist P passes out. Totally limp head back. Picture me, innocent 4th year student in full panic mode. Do I call 911? "P? PPPPPPP???!?!?!?!" Suddenly his head snaps back up and he says to me the last thing I said to him before he passed out.

I must have had the most panicked look on my face because Pharmacist P says "you okay? Whats wrong?" I proceed to tell him about Pharmacist L. That's when Pharmacist P starts to laugh and tells me he had Narcolepsy. Yep. Recover from that one you naive 4th year student!

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